The Observatory of Economic Complexity

The Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC) is an online data visualization and distribution platform focused on the geography and dynamics of economic activities. The OEC integrates and distributes data from a variety of sources to empower analysts in the private sector, public sector, and academia.
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Awaiting all adventurers lies the undiscovered wonderland of the Uganda River area. With this new visa policy, Uganda hopes to attract more visitors to see the country's rich cultural heritage. If you're itching to see more of Africa, a trip to one of the continent's major nations in Western Africa is an absolute must. Beautiful deserts, mighty rivers, and a multitude of cultural treats await you in this region.
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Lloyds Bank Trade

Uganda is open to foreign trade, which represents 35% of the country's GDP (World Bank, latest data available). The country aims to implement the trade policy of the WAEMU and is integrated into the generalized system of preferences (GSP) of the EU. Customs duties are not very high.
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Uganda Trade Portal

The Uganda Trade Information Portal is connected to the Global Trade Helpdesk, an ITC, UNCTAD, and WTO initiative. Discover a world of trade opportunities in...
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Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a vibrant organization focused on enhancing business opportunities. We are dedicated to ensuring our members take advantage of business opportunities locally, regionally, and internationally.
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Uganda Investment Authority

Priority Sectors The priority sectors are in line with Uganda's National Development Plan III 8th TOP GLOBAL COFFEE PRODUCER AGRO- INDUSTRIALIZATION 6.5Billion CRUDE OIL RESERVES PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT...
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Kyagalanyi Coffee Ltd

Kyagalanyi Coffee Ltd has been a part of more than one million travel dreams. We offer quick and hassle-free Uganda visa assistance. With a highly professional and dedicated team of Visa Experts, we are here to cater to all your Uganda visa application requirements. Read more
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World Integrated Trade Solution - WITS

The World Bank — in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and in consultation with organizations such as International Trade Center, United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) developed the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS).
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National Social Security Fund

The National Social Security Fund, is a quasi-government agency responsible for the collection, safekeeping, responsible investment, and distribution of retirement funds from employees of the private sector in Uganda who are not covered by the Government Retirement Scheme...
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